Squire by Nadia Shammas
Squire by Nadia Shammas, illustrated by Sara Alfageeh Quill Tree / HarperCollins This YA fantasy graphic novel follows fourteen year-old Aiza, who trains to become a knight for a war-torn […]
Squire by Nadia Shammas, illustrated by Sara Alfageeh Quill Tree / HarperCollins This YA fantasy graphic novel follows fourteen year-old Aiza, who trains to become a knight for a war-torn […]
Huda F Are You? by Huda Fahmy Penguin Random House/Dial Books From the creator of Yes, I’m Hot In This, this cheeky, hilarious, and honest graphic novel asks the question everyone has to figure out for themselves: Who are you?Huda and her family just moved to Dearborn, Michigan, a small town with a big Muslim population. […]